Monday, April 8, 2024

Proverbs 19:17

Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.

Scripture Insights

While attending seminary, I worked as a personal banker at a local community bank. Whenever someone inquired about borrowing money, the most important questions to answer were whether the borrower had the credit to support the application and the ability to repay.
The author of Proverbs wants us to take note that this is never a question when we consider investing ourselves in the lives of the poor. When we give to others and extend kindness to those in need, we are lending not to someone with questionable character or an uncertain ability to repay but to the One with perfect credit—the Lord of all creation, who always repays with abundant interest. In this divine transaction, we can be confident in the integrity of the borrower. Our heavenly Father is never at risk of bankruptcy, and our investments in God’s kingdom are always safe and secure.
Our reward comes not in the form of material wealth but in the form of love, joy, peace, and a deep sense of purpose as we join God as partners in seeing the new creation lived out in the here and now. Our trust in God’s character, God’s commitment to justice, and God’s faithfulness in rewarding our acts of kindness should embolden us to live generously.
As you offer your kindness and compassion to others, remember that you’re engaging in an exchange with the greatest rewards that far surpass earthly riches.

Today’s Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank you for the privilege of investing in your kingdom. May our acts of kindness be multiplied by your Spirit, and may we trust in your faithfulness to see the new creation revealed through them.

—Dale Schaeffer
CotN District Superintendent, Florida

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