Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Galatians 5:13

You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.

Scripture Insights

Growing up, I always dreamed of the day I would be an adult. I loved the idea of driving wherever I wanted, eating anything I wanted, and choosing my bedtime because 9pm came very quickly for an energized ten-year-old. At the same time, I also didn’t envy the bills my parents had to pay or the hours they spent deciphering how insurance worked. I wanted the benefits of adulthood without the responsibilities that came with it.
In today’s passage, Paul invites readers to consider the responsibilities that come with the benefit of freedom in Christ. The freedom Jesus gives us, rather than being a self-serving gift to simply be enjoyed, should propel us into loving service. This made me wonder if freedom in Christ is often seen as an achievement rather than an empowerment. Do we want the benefits of the freedom Christ gives us without its responsibilities? When we embrace Christ’s freedom, we must not only enjoy the advantages but also recognize and act upon
the responsibilities that come with it. Maybe this is the heart of what Paul is asking—are we willing to give up the comfort of solely enjoying God’s freedom and accept the responsibility of serving one another in love?

Today’s Prayer

Lord, you have called us into a life of freedom. Help us acknowledge where freedom has become a self-serving achievement rather than an empowerment to serve. We invite your Holy Spirit to lead us today with everyone we encounter.

—Yhoshua Ticum
Connections Pastor, The Naz Church (Ohio)

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