Saturday, April 13, 2024

1 Peter 4:10

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

Scripture Insights

Peter reminds us that we have each been created by God to fulfill unique and extraordinary purposes on this earth. We have been endowed with gifts and talents that are intended to be used for the good of others as acts of obedience and gratitude. Serving others allows us to carry out God’s will on earth while drawing us closer to him. When we serve others, we exhibit the qualities of a servant leader, just as Jesus did during his time on earth. He humbly served the needs of others, showing compassion and spreading the hope of God.
Our gifts should not be seen as a means for personal gain or recognition but as valuable resources to benefit others and glorify God. Good stewardship of God’s grace involves utilizing our God-given gifts to serve others and make a positive impact on those around us. We should never let them go to waste or selfishly hold on to them. Instead, we should use them to spread the love and hope of Christ and to bring healing to a broken world. Peter encourages us to strive to be like Jesus, who served others selflessly with humility and grace.

Today’s Prayer

Thank you, Father, for your amazing grace. Thank you for the unique gifts you have given to us. Fill us with your creativity, and show us how to use our gifts to serve others.

—Debra Voelker
USA/Canada Regional NMI Coordinator, Church of the Nazarene

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